If you would like to have ongoing professional advice then you need to look at insurance companies that distribute their products through agents. There is an increasing number of people that prefer to do everything themselves either over the internet or by telephone with customer service representatives. There are insurance companies that do business this way as well. Once you have determined your preference then you can narrow down the insurance companies that fit your needs. This kind of evaluation will save you a lot of time when entering a rather large insurance marketplace.
The next step is to ask yourself why you are purchasing life insurance. This will give you a better idea about what kind of policy to look for when obtaining quotes. Debt coverage is usually best protected with term insurance. You may want to look at companies with extensive term portfolios. There are a lot of reputable insurance companies and they are highly regulated by their individual state’s insurance commissioner. There is a rating bureau called AM Best that gives a rating to each insurance company according to their financial strength. You can find this book in most libraries.
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